Preparing Your Business for Sale
David Wells
28 October 2022
The prospect of selling your business can be daunting for business owners, but this doesn’t have to be the case.

Preparing Your Commercial Property for Sale
Isaac Tankard
20 July 2022
Here are five things you should address to ensure your commercial property is sold at the best price.

Design Build Lease: It Makes Commercial Sense!
NAI Harcourts Hamilton
20 July 2022
Design Build Lease has proven to be an effective methodology for businesses looking to meet their ever-expanding requirements.

5 Reasons Why Commercial Property Is Still the Best Horse in the Race
Tim Turner
20 July 2022
Does it make sense for an investor to wait and leave their money in the bank?

State of the Market: Auckland
Andrew Bruce
20 July 2022
What are the next 12 months going to bring, as the economic cycle tightens inflationary pressure, rising interest rates, increasing cost of debt and a host of other factors?

State of the Market: Hamilton
Mike Neale
20 July 2022
Key drivers across all market segments continue to play a significant role for Hamilton and the Waikato, as the Golden Triangle steamrolls ahead.